Israel’s Left Encourages Her Enemies!

The Left political agenda in Israel is shameless and will result in eroding the hard-earned unity of the last ten months while encouraging hostage-taking by the very people these useful idiots would surrender to. The pampered armchair radicles of Tel Aviv would have you believe they have Israel’s best interests at heart while undermining the […]

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When Is A War Not A War?

When is a war, not a war? When your leaders tell you it’s not a war. Unfortunately, for the people of Northern Israel, this is their reality as they find themselves marooned in a political game of ‘cat and mouse.’ The cat is the United States, and the mouse is the Jewish State. This charade […]

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Moral Equivalents Is Not Torah Teaching!

Rabbi Medan, Rosh Yeshiva of Ha Etzion, misrepresents the Torah by quoting it out of context when he compares the destruction of the second Temple due to unwarranted hate and speaking Lashon Hara of one fellow Jew to that of Jews in the Shomron taking retaliatory measures towards Arab violence. He poses an argument in […]

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When Is A Jew Not An Authentic Jew?

U.S. Secretary of State attacks a Jew for visiting the Temple Mount. He is outraged at the intrusion of the Government Minister Itamar Ben Gvir disrupting the status quo. What status quo? Jews have every legal right to visit the Temple Mount, as do Christians and Moslems. The Temple Mount is sovereign Jewish land. The […]

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