Iran’s Ambitions For Regional Hegemony.

While Iran continues to develop its covert nuclear capabilities, it is also active in gaining regional hegemony, striving to enhance its status in the Levant and the Persian Gulf. Its leaders are convinced without becoming the dominant power in the region, its geopolitical position and economic viability will be compromised irreparably. At the same time, its standing in the Shiite world and, more broadly, its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas would experience a crisis of confidence in their leadership for the future. With this in mind, Iran continues to bolster the Assad regime in Syria and strengthen ties with Putin’s Russia.

What does this all mean for Israel going forward? It means while Iran becomes more assertive in the region, it will pose a lethal threat to Israel’s existence. On October 7, Iran’s proxy Hamas did just that, tying up Israel’s resources and hoping to limit Israel’s options as Hezbollah prepared for an attack on Israel’s northern border. Confident that any decision Israel may take would first go through the United States.

Given the Biden administration’s growing reluctance to back Israel without reservation, Iran’s gamble may well pay off.

The outcome of a policy of appeasement will guarantee Iran continues its radical policies in the Middle East, leading to a full-on confrontation with the Jewish State.

The time is fast approaching when the world cannot put the Genie back in the bottle.

Yosef Yigal Drever

Yosef Yigal Drever and Sylvia Drever co-founded Achdut HaLev in 2006 to reach out to the Jewish community's around the world providing support in learning Torah and promoting the 'Return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.' Yosef Yigal made Aliya in 2014 while Sylvia his wife is an Israeli. In late 2014 Achdut HaLev concentrated all its resources towards Aliya and the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael. Excluding none and embracing all. The commandment to settle the Land of Israel is equal in importance to all the Torah Commandments all together: (Sifri Deut 12:29)
