Naftali Bennett and False Narratives
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett visited the family of slain counterterrorism officer Noam Raz ztl this Wednesday to offer his condolences. The Raz family were having none of it and rejected Bennett’s words out of hand as an empty gesture. Noam Raz’s eldest son did not hold back when he told Bennett that he held him responsible for his father’s death at the hands of Arab nationalists. “I don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror. I blame you, just as I blame the terrorist.” “You blew your chance. We want to see someone whom we believe in. You don’t deserve to be in the house my father lived in. I hope that you are actually listening and not just nodding.” “Don’t make us all kinds of promises. From experience, we know nothing will be kept. Stop abandoning our soldiers and police officers. You’ve emasculated them. Officers are being stoned and can’t shoot.”
Raz’s widow also berated Bennett for not being committed to the truth and called him out on his security policy. “We’ve had it with being humiliated; give your people power.”
Naftali Bennett was left with his false narratives and exposed for the ineffective leader he has proven to be.
The people are crying out for genuine Jewish leadership dedicated to political and spiritual redemption, which is not afraid to act on behalf of the Jewish people and will pursue the nation’s defence while defeating Arab nationalism within Israel’s borders once and for all. The people need to know that their leaders possess a relevant political action platform that embraces the authentic Jewish ideals that are the bedrock of the Jewish State.
Jewish leadership would make it clear that a Jew is forbidden to give up one inch of Israel, which has already been liberated and rejects out of hand peace through concessions. Authentic leadership would clearly state that the Arab nationalists do not want peace, and thinking otherwise is delusional.
The time has come for Jewish self-respect to take centre stage with no more false narratives or more concessions to murderers. It’s now we hoist the flag of Jewish pride.
“Hadar Yehudit!”