Another year has come and gone. And the long yearned for Redemption seems as far away as ever. Or is it? I suggest this is a good time to take a closer look at the times we live in.
Redemption in Our Time
The world is witnessing daily major transitional historic events. Without a doubt, the ongoing existence and miraculous development of the Jewish State in its own Land is the standout manifestation of these transitional conditions.
Israel’s existence is outrageous and a blatant example of the Redemption in action. After nearly 2,000 years of Exile, the Jewish People have returned to the Land of Israel reasserting their national identity and making a very clear statement as to the times we live in.
Israel is more than another country. The Jewish State is the defining arbiter of history and a touchstone of mankind’s future.
The Future is Already Here
The current battle lines have been drawn and the Jewish People are rising to the challenge with every new arrival to the Land of Promise we make a statement to the world we are here to stay and intend to possess every inch of ‘Holy Land’ and to live in it.
Here is your proof that the ‘Redemption is here and now’. We ignore this reality at our peril and court calamities beyond our wildest dreams. “Today if you hearken to His voice!” (Ps. 95:7)
We the Jewish People have the ability to transform mankind when we are united in our resolve to bring our people ‘Home’!
We need to yearn for ‘Eretz Yisrael’ and reject the lands of Exile once and for all to fulfil the aspirations of all the generations that have gone before us.
Sanhedrin 97a: He will not come ( the Messiah) UNTIL [THE JEWS] DESPAIR OF THE REDEMPTION, AS IT IS STATED in that verse: AND NO ONE IS BEING PROTECTED OR HELPED…
Time is running out. The choice is yours.
Coming Home