The Crisis of Jewish Amnesia in the Diaspora!

For the Jew in the Diaspora to gain gentile acceptance is to believe that to become more like the gentile is to create an environment that allows both parties to coexist peacefully in an atmosphere of understanding and reciprocal respect. With all the evidence of history firmly against such Alice in Wonderland fantasies. October 7 and its consequent fallout of Jewish hatred came as a cruel shock to many Jews of the Diaspora who had invested their moral capital in the Exile at the cost of losing their Jewish national self-consciousness.

The crisis of Jewish amnesia in the Diaspora has become an epidemic, leading them to believe the worst of anti-Semitism is a thing of the past. They can’t conceive being Jewish is the cause of the current tragedy – for they are Jews, and Jews they shall remain in the eyes of their gentile hosts no matter how full they become on gentile culture. Immediately after the horrific violence of October 7, Jews witnessed the outpouring of Jew-hatred on the streets and in Universities, revealing that it was not just the uneducated mob let lose in Sydney, NewYork, London and Paris but also the educated elites that brayed for Jewish blood. The assimilated Jew, along with the Orthodox Jew, was attacked and victimized, proving that generations of cultural integration and assimilation were no guarantee against gentile prejudice.

The problem for the Jews of the Diaspora is not more assimilation but sheer survival. They are yet to understand the acute crisis threatening the very existence of the Diaspora.

The only credible answer to the impending disaster is for the Jews of the Diaspora to overcome their rejection of the Jewish State as home for all Jews and take concerted action to confront the dangers faced by the Jewish communities as a whole and make Aliya. Israel is the only answer to the disaster up ahead.

Yosef Yigal Drever

Yosef Yigal Drever and Sylvia Drever co-founded Achdut HaLev in 2006 to reach out to the Jewish community's around the world providing support in learning Torah and promoting the 'Return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.' Yosef Yigal made Aliya in 2014 while Sylvia his wife is an Israeli. In late 2014 Achdut HaLev concentrated all its resources towards Aliya and the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael. Excluding none and embracing all. The commandment to settle the Land of Israel is equal in importance to all the Torah Commandments all together: (Sifri Deut 12:29)
