The Need To Rediscover The Zionist Vision!
The closing days of the year 2023 will stay with us for a very long time as they presage the dawn of a new Dark Age. One that looks very much like the year 1933. With today’s rising Jew hatred around the world, the immensity of its consequences is not yet evident; the new holocaust has begun. When the dust of war in Gaza has settled and wishful thinking once again occupies the minds of Jews, everything will return to normal, and pragmatism will rule the day. They will be wrong. The anti-Semites will not stop from acting on their twisted beliefs, especially those regarding the Jewish State. It would be facile optimism to believe this is a passing fad. The Jew-hatred is the very crux of their woke ideology. Now, post, October 7, is out of the box.
The world has been turned on its head, and every thinking Jew needs to rediscover the Zionist vision. They need to hunger for the Promise Land. Zionism’s hope lay in our people rediscovering their Jewish roots. Although so many are unfriendly to this vision at the moment, many will come to embrace the Zionist ideal through sheer necessity, if not conviction. The time is now as we stare into the abyss that awaits those who choose to believe in the false security of the diaspora. For all the risks that lay ahead for those strong of heart, the rewards of the Zionist vision cannot be overstated.
The Torah is our mandate, the sword our means! With G-d’s help the vision lives on!