Zionism and the Jewish Revolution!
It would seem that a genuine belief in Zionism is no longer fashionable among a large portion of Jews in the Diaspora and the State of Israel, leaving one perplexed about the nation’s future. More than ever, the need for a Zionist revolution in Jewish society to reverse the liberal left counter-revolution is needed today.
The reborn Zionist revolution must be based on the social and spiritual values of the Torah, recognising the Exile has distorted the authentic fabric of Jewish life, while the people must come to reject the desire to have a state like all the nations; they must build a structure that leads to being a ‘Light unto the nations’. In the meantime, the Zionist revolution has to confront the base moral implosion imposed on the Jewish people by today’s woke cultural vandals.
The Zionist revolution calls for a supreme spiritual, social and political endeavour which will enable the Jewish people to free themselves from the illusion of belonging in the Exile. Not only has the Jewish people to be taken out of Exile, Exile has to be taken out of the Jewish people.
The genuine Zionist revolution cannot just be a political revolution; it has to be a spiritual and social revolution as well. This revolution will be challenged from within and without undermining Israel’s political sovereignty. To ensure this doesn’t happen, the Jewish nation must unite as one in the Land of Israel and face the challenges to its existence. ‘Am Israel Chai!’