Its Time to Call a Spade a Spade and a Fake Palestinian a Fake Palestinian!

When dealing with calls for a two-state solution built on a lie, it is time to call a spade a spade. It is time for Jews to break the chains of guilt and reject once and for all the false narrative being imposed by Arab nationalists and Western liberals laying claim to sovereign Jewish land, the land of Israel.

The starting point for getting rid of this sixty-year-old myth is to stop playing into the hands of those who would delegitimise the Jewish State by rejecting all use of the words Palestinian, Palestinian land and a Palestinian state, all falsehoods imposed on Israel by a mendacious media establishment now joined by the crazed social media warriors and useful idiots of a decadent West poised to resurrect old fashioned anti-Semitism in the guise of liberal humanitarianism. Mainstream media and its younger cousin dominating the internet are synonymous with political propaganda and continuous manipulation by the political and academic elites around the world.

The rabid Jew-Hater Joseph Goebles once stated, ”If you tell a lie big enough and repeat it over and over again, people will come to believe it.” Goebles was motivated by his burning hatred of the Jewish people, and today the grandchildren of the Nazi generation have learnt his admonition well setting about brainwashing the willing collaborators of society.

The Palestinian myth should be treated as such a myth created for the sole purpose of defeating Israel by stealth. We need to ask the question of these Jew-Hating fanatics for proof of a pre-existing Arab state called Palestine occupying the historic Land of Israel. They must produce facts to establish when this mythological Palestine was founded and by whom? What were its borders? Its capital? Its major cities? Its form of government and economic structures? Who were its leaders before Arafat came on the scene?

Last but not exhaustively, these people, going by the name Palestinians, if they are a genuine ethnic body that would give them the right to self-determination, why did they never try to seek independence until they and their fellow Arabs suffered total defeat in the Six Day War of 1967?

We could go on Infinitum debunking the Palestinian myth; however, suffice to say there never was an Arab Palestinian nation, no Palestinian land, and no Palestinian history. In fact, they never existed till created by Nasser and Arafat in 1964 to attempt to create artificially what history had failed to create.

The claim that a Palestinian people exist is, in reality, a malicious invention of the enemies of Israel.

The presence of these Arabs is no myth. What is a myth is the political philosophy that misinterprets the objective problems raised by their presence and that, abusing the abstract criteria of democratic thought, claims that the Arab population has the right to self-determination and establish itself as an independent nation when in reality the Jewish people having been robbed and are expected to give half their country to the robber knowing the robber wants it all!

The only answer to the fake people with a fake cause is never, ever will Israel give one inch of Eretz Israel to Arab gangsters never, ever!

Yosef Yigal Drever

Yosef Yigal Drever and Sylvia Drever co-founded Achdut HaLev in 2006 to reach out to the Jewish community's around the world providing support in learning Torah and promoting the 'Return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.' Yosef Yigal made Aliya in 2014 while Sylvia his wife is an Israeli. In late 2014 Achdut HaLev concentrated all its resources towards Aliya and the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael. Excluding none and embracing all. The commandment to settle the Land of Israel is equal in importance to all the Torah Commandments all together: (Sifri Deut 12:29)
