Dear Jews of Britain,
The notorious allegation that Jews consume the blood of non-Jews is being touted once again via the internet.
Not for the first time has this canard been spruiked on Facebook by the ‘Hate Merchants’ who inhabit the internet highway.
Not Known at this Address
Whats different this time is its suppose to have come from UK Labour Party councillor Damien Enticott who now claims someone else posted from his computer calling for the execution of ‘Talmud Jews’ and accusing Jews of drinking blood.
He added “This is done only by Talmud Jews,” the post then goes on to say”Talmud Jews” devalue the lives of non-Jews and “Talmud Jews are parasites!”
So much for the ‘Politically Correct’ Leftist lies and trumped-up accusations based on popular beliefs about the murder-lust of the Jews and their bloodthirstiness in particular Israeli Jews.
Blood Libel
It’s worth remembering the first blood libel against Jews in the Middle Ages happened in Norwich England circa 1144, the Jews were accused of buying a xtian child before one of their religious festivals and tortured him ……. this libel was repeated many times throughout England and Europe of the Middle Ages and into the 20th century where the Nazi Newspaper, Der Stuermer, devoted many editions to the ‘blood libel’ and unapologetically served its Nazi masters aims to dehumanise the Jews of Europe.