Pope Francis a Portrait in Evil!
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is complicit with the dark forces of our times. Embracing Jew Hatred and guilty of spreading Jewish canards. Bergoglio has betrayed an undeniable dislike towards Jews and the Jewish State. Pope Francis is a portrait of evil and fatal moral dislocation. Colluding with tyranny and the murderers of October 7 2023 he invites violence to invade Jewish communities through his outrageous claims of Jewish soldiers machinegunning of Arab children and deliberately targeting schools and hospitals in Gaza. Bergoglio’s comments are disconnected from the true and factual reality that exists in the Gaza war started by the Hamas attack on Jewish communities in Israels south on 07-10-2023.
If anyone is in doubt of Bergoglios antipathy towards Jews one need look no further than the annual nativity scene at the Vatican this year where baby Je..s lied on a keffiyeh a well known symbol of the fake Palestinians soaked in Jewish blood made famous by Yasser Arafat leader of the then PLO.
All moral thinking people should be in no doubt as to the deeply flawed human being Bergoglio has turned out to be. Truly a portrait in evil!