Carter was Fundamentaly Opposed to Israel !

Jimmy Carter, mercurial President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, died at one hundred on the 29th of December 2024. There has been much written over the years since his Presidency regarding his attitude towards the Jewish State and his support for a Palestinian state carved out of Israel’s Biblical heartland. Carter’s journey from honest mediator to pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel advocate started in 1978 at the Camp David summit. Carter could not forgive Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s opposition to Palestinian autonomy. For Menachem Begin, Gaza, Judea Samaria, and Jerusalem were an integral part of the Land of Israel and were non-negotiable. Begin could not and would not contemplate the carving up of Israel proper under any circumstances, nor would he consider an end to the settlement’s continued development.

This was an attack on the right of Jews to the Land of Israel; either the Jews had a right to the ancestral homeland, or they did not. Carter’s insistence that Israel compromise on this issue was a direct attack on the Zionist enterprise. Begin would not budge, and Carter would never forgive him or Israel for stifling the President’s agenda.

This, then, is the background to Jimmy Carter’s animosity towards the State of Israel, culminating in his vicious claim that Israel was an apartheid state and oppressor of Palestinian rights.

It should be remembered behind that affable grin was a bitter man intent on doing Israel harm.

Yosef Yigal Drever

Yosef Yigal Drever and Sylvia Drever co-founded Achdut HaLev in 2006 to reach out to the Jewish community's around the world providing support in learning Torah and promoting the 'Return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.' Yosef Yigal made Aliya in 2014 while Sylvia his wife is an Israeli. In late 2014 Achdut HaLev concentrated all its resources towards Aliya and the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael. Excluding none and embracing all. The commandment to settle the Land of Israel is equal in importance to all the Torah Commandments all together: (Sifri Deut 12:29)
