Iran a Paper Tiger…!

Iran, for all its bluster and regional power plays, is a paper tiger if you remove its proxies and deny it nuclear weapons. It becomes a toothless tiger lacking a viable army, airforce and navy to project soft and hard power.

Allowing for a generation’s rhetoric based on conviction rather than posturing will have a significant impact on many Iranian people. Should Iran find itself without Hezbollah and Hamas, it will modify its tactics to reach unchanged goals. All those goals rest on Iran’s nuclear program. If Iran is to escape irrelevance through the lack of basic power structures within its military, it will push ahead its nuclear ambitions to achieve military dominance in the region and beyond. Gaining a psychological advantage over its regional competition.

Iran’s inherent weakness in achieving a balance of power through military and industrial capacity would be overcome by nuclear capability, leading to the surrender of Saudia Arabia, Egypt and the Gulf states without a shot fired in anger.

Thus, the toothless tiger wins by default unless drastic measures are taken to arrest Iran’s manic obsession with Islamic hegemony throughout the world.

One small state stands in opposition to Iran’s ambitions. It is now pre-empting a showdown with the Mullahs of Teheran as it mounts a devastating attack on Hezbollah through the Bekaa Valley leading to the Litani River and, if necessary, all the way to Beruit.

Yosef Yigal Drever

Yosef Yigal Drever and Sylvia Drever co-founded Achdut HaLev in 2006 to reach out to the Jewish community's around the world providing support in learning Torah and promoting the 'Return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.' Yosef Yigal made Aliya in 2014 while Sylvia his wife is an Israeli. In late 2014 Achdut HaLev concentrated all its resources towards Aliya and the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael. Excluding none and embracing all. The commandment to settle the Land of Israel is equal in importance to all the Torah Commandments all together: (Sifri Deut 12:29)
