Israels Paradox Two Seemingly Absolute Values!
As Otzma Yehudits’ Itamar Ben Gvir comes in for criticism from Israels Left once again, it would seem that the Left feels the need to defend its right to participate fully in all aspects of Israeli society. Suggesting those rights are under threat from Religious Zionism.
This would lead us to believe we have a paradox. Two seemingly absolute values: the absolute value of Torah-inspired Judaism and the not-so-absolute value of Leftist-Secular rule. Room for accommodation? Not exactly. While Religious Zionism is wholly committed to a country striving to achieve its purpose and mission set out in the Torah, it has no desire to impose the Torah on its fellow Jews, secular or religious. At the same time, the true Leftist-Secular believer cannot brook compromise when it comes to their Leftist creed.
These socialist dinosaurs dressed in new clothing employ their passionate rhetoric to denounce those with different values for their own selfish purposes. They are ideologues with no room for opposing opinions and have no intention of settling for a state that accommodates a multiplicity of views at loggerheads with their socialist agenda.
As already addressed above, Religious Zionism does not seek to exclude the Left from participation in Israeli life. It will respect the ballot box in addressing those changes deemed necessary to deliver good governance to all Israelis. As fellow Jews, they are worthy of deep consideration.
What is never acceptable is the tyranny of coercion by the Left and the tyranny of the few over the many.
So well put! May we see good governance in Israel that will do away with tyranny forever!